Sunday, January 6, 2013

Little Things For Our Little Hobbit

Sam and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little hobbit to arrive. Doing some early spring cleaning to make room for everything baby before she arrives. And you know what I've noticed - baby clothes are TINY!

While everything else that is associated with babies are bulky from the car seat to the stroller to the rocking chair - these things take a lot of space and Bag End is not known for it's spacious rooms. So daily we ponder where in Middle Earth we are going to fit these big things in the apartment without looking altogether odd.

But in the end everything will find a place and every place will have a thing (at least one thing - literally) squeezed into it. So for now we are just preparing and the nesting effect is setting in as we are on the homeward stretch with just over 9 weeks left until our little bundle arrives. Until then I will be doing some big work on some little, little things for our baby Rosie. Blankets, diapers, and dresses all to be sewn and washed and folded; corners of the apartment to be scrubbed, dusted and reorganized. We hobbits tend to collect dust and trinkets here in our little hobbit hole (ok, it's just me - I'm a pack rat and now I've got to go through and dejunk before she gets here).
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
-J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring-

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