Wednesday, January 1, 2014

3 Seam Pillowcase

As you may have read yesterday I got busy, busy with cooking and being an elf for the Big Man. Over the next month I'll be sharing instructions for most of them. Monday on the blog is exploration day. Anything from today's pillowcases to a holistic approach to ________, or budgeting techniques. So make sure to check in to see what new adventures we are taking or "Like" our Facebook page 'Tales at Bag End' for updates when there is a new post and a brief description of what is in store.

I'm going to share my version of pillowcases. There are millions of ways to sew a pillowcase - but to be honest they are all pretty much the same. So if you don't follow my tutorial. Here's a surprise, it'll still work. But here is why I like this method. It is only 3-5 seams. Total. Period. And should only take the experienced sewer 10-15 minutes at the most. If you are new to sewing (perhaps you made a resolution or something...) then here is a good beginning project that should not take long; depending on your exposer to the cutting, threading, ironing, etc. involved in the sewing process then plan on 30 minutes to an hour. See, quick!

Required -

either 1 yd of cotton fabric


3/4 yd cotton
1/4 yd accent cotton fabric
*opt. ribbon or rick-rack.

1- Wash Fabric (alwaysalwaysalways wash your fabric before you start anything).
2- Iron - most vital step in any sewing project. If you want to sew it, if you have sewn it, or you even thought about sewing it - then it needs to be ironed.
3- Trim edges to be straight with salvage

For ONE fabric
4- Iron (told you it's important) a 4 1/2" flap
5- 1/4" seam, sew down the flap.
Skip 7

For ACCENT pillowcase
4- Iron (told you, told you, told you) the accent fabric in half with wrong sides together.
5- Pin to the right side of the larger fabric.
6- Sew together
*Opt - On right side of pillowcase, pin the ribbon or rick rack along seam and sew down.

9- Fold right sides together so that it looks like an inside out pillowcase.
10- Start at folded edge and sew the bottom, pivot and sew the side.
11- ZigZag stitch along the backward L you just sewed.
12- Snip your excess corner fabric (CAREFUL TO NOT SNIP SEAM!!!)
14- Flip and enjoy! :D

Happy Crafting, and Happy New Year


Genevieve Hill said...

You should attach a picture. As far as I can tell, no one will try a sewing project or craft without seeing what it will look like. AND if you have a picture you can have this post/link pinned to Pinterest.

Genevieve Hill said...

Keep up the awesome posts!!!!

Mrs. Rosie said...

Thanks Genny!